Our Services

At Precise Management it is our mission to deliver superior customer service and professional, efficient HOA management

We strive to make HOA management as smooth and hassle-free as possible. For single family homes, townhomes, and condominiums, we make HOA management for our clients more manageable with professional, efficiently run services.

Full Service Management

Precise offers a comprehensive full service program for all clients. As the responsibilities of your Board become more complex, Precise will provide you with professional assistance and guidance. Our Full Service plan covers total financial, administrative, maintenance, and website listed below:

Financial Services

  • Preparation of monthly financial statement to include income and expense comparative statement with current budget, balance sheet, check register, bank statements reconciliations, and general ledger.
  • Produce assessment statements and past due notices, includes offering homeowners to receive their statement via email in lieu of US Postal.
  • Receive, deposit, disperse and account for all funds.
  • Ensure your funds are deposited with an FDIC insured bank with $250,000 cover.
  • Coordinate the annual audit/review through an independent CPA.
  • Assist the Board in the annual budget preparation.

Administrative Services

  • Assist the Board in Rules and Regulations compliance.
  • Respond to complaints, inquiries, and correspondence.
  • Plan, organize, attend, oversee, and record actions at all association meetings.
  • Keep Board updated on any relevant law changes.
  • Serve as liaison for all Board transitions.
  • Report all management activities to the Board.
  • Maintain all association corporate records.
  • Track homeowner and vendor communication with monthly Communication Log.
  • Track all Architectural Requests submitted and the outcome.
  • Website for homeowner access to assessment account, upcoming events and more.


  • Arrange for the maintenance and safe operation of the common area facilities.
  • Inspection of common areas twice monthly.
  • Coordinate vendor activity and provide bids as requested by the Board.
  • Track all quote requests and work order requests with monthly report to Board.


  • Available to owners to access their assessment account as well as ANY information Board would like to see published on their personalized website.
  • Owners will be able to consult their personal profile, update mailing address and phone number, consult CC&R violations and architectural change history as well as request an architectural change directly from the website.
  • Portal available for Board of Directors only to see financial statements, vendor work orders, homeowner requests, CC&R violations, architectural change request history.
  • Create surveys to get the opinions of owners about any subject. Each owner may only vote one time for proper tracking.